Foliage is silver-green with yellow varigation, and remains strong from sping to fall.
Blossom Color | Grown for Foliage |
Bloom Season | Grown for Foliage |
Exposure | Sun or shade |
Height | 3-6 in |
Width | 8-12 in |
Spacing | 8-12 in |
Container Sizes | 3.5" Accent |
Hardiness Zones | 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
Wildlife Attracted | No Wildlife Attracted |
Wildlife Deterred | No Wildlife Deterred |
Features | Foliage is silver-green with yellow varigation, and remains strong from sping to fall. |
Available Seasons |
Adaptable as a Houseplant | Yes |
Bog Plant | No |
Is Disease Resistant | No |
Drought Tolerant | Yes |
Edible | No |
Erosion Control | No |
Fragrant Flower | No |
Fragrant Foilage | No |
Heat Tolerant | Yes |
Native to North America | No |
Salt Tolerant | No |
Succulent | No |
Water Plant | No |
Uses |
Use in pots, hanging baskets, or as a ground cover |
Maintenance Notes |
According to the Humane Society of America Ivy plants especially the leaves and berries can be toxic to pets. This is means that the plants are generally identified as having the capability for producing a toxic reaction. *Restricted Shipping: DE, IN, OR, WA |