

Plant Information

Supertunia Vista® Bubblegum®


General Information GROWING TIPS

One of our most popular offerings, these beautiful bubblegum pink flowers bloom all season with a vigorous mounding and trailing habit. Is a fantastic landscape plant but also is great in large containers, where it functions as both a filler and spiller. This bestselling beauty attracts butterflies and hummingbirds and is disease resistant and self-cleaning.

Supertunia Vista® Bubblegum®
Blossom Color Pink
Bloom Season Spring, Summer, Fall
Exposure Part Sun to Sun
Height 12-24 in
Width 24-36 in
Spacing 18-32 in
Container Sizes Eco+ Grande, Royale, 11' Mono
Hardiness Zones 10, 11
Wildlife Attracted Hummingbirds, Butterflies
Wildlife Deterred No Wildlife Deterred
Features One of our most popular offerings, these beautiful bubblegum pink flowers bloom all season with a vigorous mounding and trailing habit. Is a fantastic landscape plant but also is great in large containers, where it functions as both a filler and spiller. This bestselling beauty attracts butterflies and hummingbirds and is disease resistant and self-cleaning.
Available Seasons Spring, Fall
Adaptable as a Houseplant No
Bog Plant No
Is Disease Resistant No
Drought Tolerant Yes
Edible No
Erosion Control No
Fragrant Flower No
Fragrant Foilage No
Heat Tolerant Yes
Native to North America No
Salt Tolerant No
Succulent No
Water Plant No

Use in large combinations, containers and landscapes.

Maintenance Notes

These are heat tolerant plants, that aren't particularly fussy and need little routine maintenance. They will perform best if an application of controlled release fertilizer is included at the time of planting. This applies to both landscape and container plantings. Supertunias are heavy feeders, but a single dose is usually sufficient for landscape beds in most climates. If you have a very long season, a second application of controlled release plant food should be considered for landscape plantings. In general, containers need to be fed more than landscape plants. Supertunias in containers will need to be fed more regularly to be their absolute best. A second application of a controlled release fertilizer can be applied about every two months to container plants, which will help. However, for the very best performance I find regularly applying water soluble fertilizer starting about two months after the containers are planted gives the best results.  These extra applications of plant food really makes a difference in performance through the summer.

If your plant begins to look open or a bit tired, an allover trim can be beneficial.  Use a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to trim back up to 1/3 of the volume of the plant. I pair any trim with a dose of water soluble fertilizer to provide instant energy to help kickstart new growth, branching and flowering. Your plant will take a week to recover from the trim, but the end result is a fuller plant with more blooms going forward. You may repeat the trim as needed through the season.

2023Director's Select - Penn State University
2022Top Performer - In Containers - South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens
2022Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2021Top Performer - University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale
2021Top Performer - Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens
2021Top Performer - University of Wisconsin - West Madison
2021Top Performer - Cornell University
2021Best of - Colorado State
2021Top Performer - Oregon State University
2021Top Performer - In Ground - Colorado State
2021Top Performer - Les Exceptionelles
2021Perfect Score - University of Tennessee - Knoxville
2021Top Performer - Hanging Basket - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2021Perfect Score - All Season - Gold Medal - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2021Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2021Top Performer - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2021Perfect Score - Michigan State University
2021Perfect Score - University of Minnesota - Morris
2021Director's Select - Penn State University
2021Top Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2021Top Performer - Mississippi State University - Poplarville
2021Top Performer - University of Delaware
2021Top Performer - South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens
2021Top Performer in Container Annuals - South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens
2021Top Performer - University of Georgia
2021Perfect Score - Iowa State
2021Top Performer - Texas A&M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2020Director's Select - Sun - Penn State University
2020Top Performer - Cool Season - LSU
2020Top Performer - Early Season - Texas A&M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2020Perfect Score - Early Season - Michigan State University
2020Top Performer - University of Georgia
2020Perfect Score - Mid Season - Michigan State University
2020Highlight Plant Week 8/24 - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2020Perfect Score All Season - Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens
2020Top Performer - Cornell University
2020Top Performer - University of Wisconsin - West Madison
2020Top Performer - Oregon State University
2020Top Performer - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2020Top Performer - South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens
2020Honorable Mention - University of Minnesota - Morris
2020Top Performer - Final - Michigan State University
2020Perfect Score - Container - Rakers
2020Top Performer - Biltmore Estate
2020Top 10 Performer - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2020Perfect Score - In Ground - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2020Top Performer - Hanging Baskets - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2020Perfect Score - Container - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2020Top Performer - University of Delaware
2020Top Performer - Texas A&M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2020Consumer Top 10 - Container Annual - University of Guelph
2020Perfect Score - Mississippi State University - Poplarville
2020Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2019Top Performer - Petunia - Early - Texas A&M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2018Top Performer - Jardin Daniel A. Seguin
2018Top Perfomer - Jardin Botanique Roger-Van den Hende
2018Top Performer - University of Wisconsin
2018Perect Score All Season - Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens
2018Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Morris
2018Perfect Score All Season - Michigan State University
2018Top Performer - Texas Tech University
2018Leader of the Pack - All Season - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2018Leader of the Pack - Early Season - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2018Leader of the Pack - Late Season - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2018September Showstopper - Champaign County Illiniois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2018Perfect Score All Season - University of Minnesota - Morris
2018Top Performer - Commercial Flower Growers of Wisconsin
2018Top Performer - South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens
2018Top Performer - Cornell University
2018Best Petunia (Spreading) - Colorado State University
2018Field Day People's Choice - Texas A&M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2018Perfect Score All Season - Oregon State University
2018Top Performer - Consumer Choice - Ohio State University - Columbus
2018Perfect Score all Season - Longwood Gardens
2018Top Performer - Colorado State University
2018Top Performer - University of Georgia
2018Top Performer - Penn State University
2018Top Performer - Raker Trial
2018Top Spring Season Annuals - Mississippi State University - Poplarville
2018Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2018Top Performer - Texas A&M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2018Top Performer - University of Guelph
2013Plant of the Year - Metrolina
2013Top Performer - Erie Basin Marina
2013Top Performer - Michigan State University
2013Leader of the Pack - Early Season - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2012Hall of Fame - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2012Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2012Top 10 - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2012Leader of the Pack - Ohio State University - Columbus
2012Best of Breed - Ohio State University - Columbus
2012Top Performer - University of Tennessee - Knoxville
2012Top Perfomer - Texas A & M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2012Top Perfomer - South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens
2012Top Perfomer - University of Wisconsin
2012Top Performer - Colorado State University
2012Top Performer - Kansas State University
2012Excellent Performer - University Laval
2012Top Performer - Massachusetts Horticultural Society at Elm Bank
2012Top Performer - Powell Gardens
2012Consumer Choice - University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale
2012Top Performer - University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale
2012Gold Medal Winner - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2012Top Performer - Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens
2012Top Performer - Michigan State University
2012Top Performer - University of Minnesota - Morris
2012Top Performer - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2012Top performer in Containers - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2012Top Performer in Containers - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2012Top Performer - Devonian Botanic Garden
2012Top Performer - Calgary Zoo and Botanic Garden
2012Top Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2011Best Annuals - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2011Best Baskets - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2011Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2011Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2011Top Performer - Michigan State University
2011Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2011Top Performer - Powell Gardens
2011Top Performer - University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale
2011Top Performer - Cornell University
2011Best Petunia (Vegetative-spreading) - Colorado State University
2011Top Performer - Colorado State University
2011Top Performer - South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens
2011Top Performer - Massachusetts Horticultural Society at Elm Bank
2011Top Performer - University of Wisconsin
2011Top Performer - Kansas State University
2011Top Performer - Cornell-Long Island
2011Best in Category - Cornell-Long Island
2011Excellent Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2011Excellent - Oregon State University
2011Top Performer - University of Georgia
2011Top Performer - University of Kentucky Arboretum
2011Top Performer - University of Minnesota - Morris
2011Best of Show (top 1%) - Penn State University
2011Best of Species - Penn State University
2011Top Performer - Calgary Zoo and Botanic Garden
2011Gold Medal Winner - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2011Best of the Best (multiyear award) - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2011Best Annuals - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2011Best Baskets - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2011Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2011Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2011Top Performer - Michigan State University
2011Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2011Top Performer - Powell Gardens
2011Top Performer - University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale
2011Top Performer - Cornell University
2011Best Petunia (Vegetative-spreading) - Colorado State University
2011Top Performer - Colorado State University
2011Top Performer - South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens
2011Top Performer - Massachusetts Horticultural Society at Elm Bank
2011Top Performer - University of Wisconsin
2011Top Performer - Kansas State University
2011Top Performer - Cornell-Long Island
2011Best in Category - Cornell-Long Island
2011Excellent Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2011Excellent - Oregon State University
2011Top Performer - University of Georgia
2011Top Performer - University of Kentucky Arboretum
2011Top Performer - University of Minnesota - Morris
2011Best of Show (top 1%) - Penn State University
2011Best of Species - Penn State University
2011Top Performer - Calgary Zoo and Botanic Garden
2011Gold Medal Winner - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2011Best of the Best (multiyear award) - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2011Top Performer - BYU-Idaho, Thomas E. Ricks Demonstration Garden
2011Top Performer - University of Delaware
2011Top Performer - Smithsonian Institution
2011Top Performer - University of Tennessee - Knoxville
2010Gold Medal - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2010Excellent - Disney
2010Top Performer - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2010Top Consumer Choice - Ohio State University - Columbus
2010Top Performer - Powell Gardens
2010Very Good - Massachusetts Horticultural Society at Elm Bank
2010Good Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2010Excellent Rating - University Laval
2010Top Performers - Mast Arboretum
2010Top Performer - University of Wisconsin
2010Top Performer - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2010Top Performers - Mast Arboretum
2010Top Performer - Powell Gardens
2010Very Good - Massachusetts Horticultural Society at Elm Bank
2010Top Consumer Choice - Ohio State University - Columbus
2010Excellent - Disney
2010Excellent Rating - University Laval
2010Gold Medal - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2010Top Performer - University of Wisconsin
2010Good Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2010Top Performer - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2010Top Performers - Mast Arboretum
2010Top Performer - Powell Gardens
2010Very Good - Massachusetts Horticultural Society at Elm Bank
2010Top Consumer Choice - Ohio State University - Columbus
2010Excellent - Disney
2010Excellent Rating - University Laval
2010Gold Medal - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2010Top Performer - University of Wisconsin
2010Good Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2009Honorable Mention - Texas A & M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2009Gold Medal - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2009Top Picks - BYU-Idaho, Thomas E. Ricks Demonstration Garden
2009Excellent Rating - Boerner Botanical Garden
2009Best Varieties - Penn State University
2009Best Performer - Kansas State University
2009Top Performer - Kansas State University
2009Prairie Star - Kansas State University
2009Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Morris
2009Leader of the Pack for Summer - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Leader of the Pack - Late Summer - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Leader of the Pack - Early Season - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Best of Breed - Summer - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2009Best Performer - Michigan State University
2009Top Performer summer - Michigan State University
2009Top Performer - Late Summer - Michigan State University
2009Best Performer - Colorado State University
2009Top 20 - Cornell University
2009Best Friend Forever - Virginia Tech
2009Top Performer - Norfolk Botanical Garden
2009Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2009Best Performer - University of Tennessee - Knoxville
2009Top Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2009Best Performer - Sawaya Garden Trial
2009Gardener's Pick - South Coast Botanic Garden
2009Top Performer - University Laval
2009Best-Looking Flowers - University of Delaware
2009People's Pick Honorable Mention - Oregon State University
2009Best Performer - University of Tennessee - Jackson
2009Gold Medal - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2009Gold Medal - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2009Honorable Mention - Texas A & M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2009Best Performer - Sawaya Garden Trial
2009Best Performer - Colorado State University
2009Best Performer - Kansas State University
2009Best Performer - University of Tennessee - Jackson
2009Best Performer - University of Tennessee - Knoxville
2009Best Performer - Michigan State University
2009Top Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2009Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Morris
2009Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2009Gardener's Pick - South Coast Botanic Garden
2009Leader of the Pack for Summer - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Leader of the Pack - Late Summer - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Leader of the Pack - Early Season - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Best of Breed - Summer - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2009Best Friend Forever - Virginia Tech
2009Top Performer - University Laval
2009Top Performer summer - Michigan State University
2009Top Performer - Late Summer - Michigan State University
2009Top Performer - Norfolk Botanical Garden
2009Best Varieties - Penn State University
2009Top Performer - Kansas State University
2009Prairie Star - Kansas State University
2009Excellent Rating - Boerner Botanical Garden
2009Best-Looking Flowers - University of Delaware
2009Top 20 - Cornell University
2009People's Pick Honorable Mention - Oregon State University
2009Top Picks - BYU-Idaho, Thomas E. Ricks Demonstration Garden
2009Gold Medal - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2009Gold Medal - Champaign County Illinois Master Gardener Idea Garden
2009Honorable Mention - Texas A & M - East Texas Bedding Plant Trial
2009Best Performer - Sawaya Garden Trial
2009Best Performer - Colorado State University
2009Best Performer - Kansas State University
2009Best Performer - University of Tennessee - Jackson
2009Best Performer - University of Tennessee - Knoxville
2009Best Performer - Michigan State University
2009Top Performer - Mississippi State University - Crystal Springs
2009Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Morris
2009Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2009Gardener's Pick - South Coast Botanic Garden
2009Leader of the Pack for Summer - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Leader of the Pack - Late Summer - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Leader of the Pack - Early Season - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Best of Breed - Summer - North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
2009Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2009Best Friend Forever - Virginia Tech
2009Top Performer - University Laval
2009Top Performer summer - Michigan State University
2009Top Performer - Late Summer - Michigan State University
2009Top Performer - Norfolk Botanical Garden
2009Best Varieties - Penn State University
2009Top Performer - Kansas State University
2009Prairie Star - Kansas State University
2009Excellent Rating - Boerner Botanical Garden
2009Best-Looking Flowers - University of Delaware
2009Top 20 - Cornell University
2009People's Pick Honorable Mention - Oregon State University
2009Top Picks - BYU-Idaho, Thomas E. Ricks Demonstration Garden
2008Best of Trials - University of Florida
2008Excellent Rating - Boerner Botanical Garden
2008Top Peformer - Penn State University
2008Top Performer in Ground - Kansas State University
2008Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2008Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2008Top Performer - Michigan State University
2008Top Performer in Ground - Colorado State University
2008Top 10 - Delaware Valley College, Henry Schmeider Arboretum
2008Top Performer - Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens
2008Top 10 - Cornell University
2008Best Overall - Cornell University
2008Best Petunia - Cornell University
2008Top Performer - University of Georgia
2008Exceptional Rating - University of Georgia
2008Knock Your Socks Off - University of Georgia
2008Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2008Silver Medal - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2008Top Performers - Foliage - University of Delaware
2008Best Overall Impression - Oregon State University
2008Most Consumer Appeal - Oregon State University
2008Top Performer - Linnaeus Teaching Garden
2008Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2008Excellent Rating - Boerner Botanical Garden
2008Top Peformer - Penn State University
2008Top 10 - Cornell University
2008Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2008Top Performers - Foliage - University of Delaware
2008Top 10 - Delaware Valley College, Henry Schmeider Arboretum
2008Best Overall Impression - Oregon State University
2008Most Consumer Appeal - Oregon State University
2008Top Performer in Ground - Kansas State University
2008Top Performer in Ground - Colorado State University
2008Best of Trials - University of Florida
2008Silver Medal - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2008Top Performer - University of Georgia
2008Top Performer - Linnaeus Teaching Garden
2008Exceptional Rating - University of Georgia
2008Top Performer - Michigan State University
2008Knock Your Socks Off - University of Georgia
2008Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2008Best Overall - Cornell University
2008Best Petunia - Cornell University
2008Top Performer - Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens
2008Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2008Excellent Rating - Boerner Botanical Garden
2008Top Peformer - Penn State University
2008Top 10 - Cornell University
2008Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2008Top Performers - Foliage - University of Delaware
2008Top 10 - Delaware Valley College, Henry Schmeider Arboretum
2008Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2008Excellent Rating - Boerner Botanical Garden
2008Top Peformer - Penn State University
2008Top 10 - Cornell University
2008Top Performer - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2008Top Performers - Foliage - University of Delaware
2008Top 10 - Delaware Valley College, Henry Schmeider Arboretum
2008Best Overall Impression - Oregon State University
2008Most Consumer Appeal - Oregon State University
2008Top Performer in Ground - Kansas State University
2008Top Performer in Ground - Colorado State University
2008Best of Trials - University of Florida
2008Silver Medal - Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield
2008Top Performer - University of Georgia
2008Top Performer - Linnaeus Teaching Garden
2008Exceptional Rating - University of Georgia
2008Top Performer - Michigan State University
2008Knock Your Socks Off - University of Georgia
2008Top 10 - University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids
2008Best Overall - Cornell University
2008Best Petunia - Cornell University
2008Top Performer - Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens
2007Best of Trials - University of Florida
2007Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2007Top Performer - University Laval
2007Best of Trials for Spring - University of Florida
2007Top Performer - Kansas State University
2007Prairie Star - Kansas State University
2007Best of the Zoo - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2007Best Spreading Petunia - Colorado State University
2007Silver Medal - University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners
2007Best of Trials - University of Florida
2007Top Performer - University Laval
2007Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2007Best Spreading Petunia - Colorado State University
2007Silver Medal - University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners
2007Best of Trials for Spring - University of Florida
2007Top Performer - Kansas State University
2007Prairie Star - Kansas State University
2007Best of the Zoo - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2007Best of Trials - University of Florida
2007Top Performer - University Laval
2007Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2007Best Spreading Petunia - Colorado State University
2007Silver Medal - University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners
2007Best of Trials for Spring - University of Florida
2007Top Performer - Kansas State University
2007Prairie Star - Kansas State University
2007Best of the Zoo - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2007Best of Trials - University of Florida
2007Top Performer - University Laval
2007Top Performer - Longwood Gardens
2007Best Spreading Petunia - Colorado State University
2007Silver Medal - University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners
2007Best of Trials for Spring - University of Florida
2007Top Performer - Kansas State University
2007Prairie Star - Kansas State University
2007Best of the Zoo - Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2006Superior Variety - Penn State University
2006Top Performer - Michigan State University
2006Best Varieties - Colorado State University
2006Best of the Best - University of Georgia
2006Top Performer - Jardin Daniel A. Seguin
2006Gardeners Choice - University of Guelph
2006Gold Medal - University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners
2006Top 20 - Missouri Botanic Garden
2006Top Performer - Michigan State University
2006Gold Medal - University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners
2006Best of the Best - University of Georgia
2006Gardeners Choice - University of Guelph
2006Top Performer - Jardin Daniel A. Seguin
2006Best Varieties - Colorado State University
2006Superior Variety - Penn State University
2006Top 20 - Missouri Botanic Garden
2006Top Performer - Michigan State University
2006Gold Medal - University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners
2006Best of the Best - University of Georgia
2006Gardeners Choice - University of Guelph
2006Top Performer - Jardin Daniel A. Seguin
2006Best Varieties - Colorado State University
2006Superior Variety - Penn State University
2006Top 20 - Missouri Botanic Garden
2006Top Performer - Michigan State University
2006Gold Medal - University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners
2006Best of the Best - University of Georgia
2006Gardeners Choice - University of Guelph
2006Top Performer - Jardin Daniel A. Seguin
2006Best Varieties - Colorado State University
2006Superior Variety - Penn State University
2006Top 20 - Missouri Botanic Garden
2005Top Performer - University of Maine
2005Outstanding Rating - Disney
2005Top Performer - Missouri Botanic Garden
2005Top Performer - Colorado State University
2005Best of Show - Colorado State University
2005Visitors Choice - Cornell University
2005Top Performer - University of Guelph
2005Top Performer - Penn State University
2005Top Performer - Kansas State University
2005Best Petunia (Spreading) - Colorado State University
2005Top 25 - Cornell University
200512 New Annuals - People, Places and Plants
2005Top Performer - Turtle Bay
2005Top Performer - Missouri Botanic Garden
2005Outstanding Rating - Disney
2005Top Performer - University of Maine
2005Visitors Choice - Cornell University
2005Top Performer - University of Guelph
2005Top Performer - Colorado State University
2005Best of Show - Colorado State University
2005Best Petunia (Spreading) - Colorado State University
200512 New Annuals - People, Places and Plants
2005Top 25 - Cornell University
2005Top Performer - Turtle Bay
2005Top Performer - Penn State University
2005Top Performer - Kansas State University
2005Top Performer - Missouri Botanic Garden
2005Outstanding Rating - Disney
2005Top Performer - University of Maine
2005Visitors Choice - Cornell University
2005Top Performer - University of Guelph
2005Top Performer - Colorado State University
2005Best of Show - Colorado State University
2005Best Petunia (Spreading) - Colorado State University
200512 New Annuals - People, Places and Plants
2005Top 25 - Cornell University
2005Top Performer - Turtle Bay
2005Top Performer - Penn State University
2005Top Performer - Kansas State University
2005Top Performer - Missouri Botanic Garden
2005Outstanding Rating - Disney
2005Top Performer - University of Maine
2005Visitors Choice - Cornell University
2005Top Performer - University of Guelph
2005Top Performer - Colorado State University
2005Best of Show - Colorado State University
2005Best Petunia (Spreading) - Colorado State University
200512 New Annuals - People, Places and Plants
2005Top 25 - Cornell University
2005Top Performer - Turtle Bay
2005Top Performer - Penn State University
2005Top Performer - Kansas State University
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